Friday, March 10, 2023

NBC-Universal Oscars Kindness Specials

With Oscar season finally here, maybe the Academy Awards can team up with NBC-Universal for a series of Kindness specials and events to prove & bring inspiration that everybody belongs in the film industry.

Each special would feature film experts teaming up with NBC News specialists to create films on how people can bring in Kindness during difficult times & situations. For Instance, animal experts work together to help animals that are ill or suffering with animal care programs. Not to mention similar environmental programs for parks, beaches & other recreational areas to promote environmental care. On the other hand, students across the nation team up to help less fortunate communities & countries with donation drives & messages on welcoming differences, learning new cultures & loving one another. You may even see some people create films on learning history from other perspectives & that people need to dig deeper to get the full picture.

For younger audiences, the Minions visit the Universal Multiverse along with other Illumination & DreamWorks characters for Kindness films & messages of their own. Universal's animated characters team up E.T. & Doc Brown to help NBC-Universal sitcom characters discover how Jaws & the dinosaurs from Jurassic Park/World may look ferocious on the outside, but if you use Kindness & love, their hearts will grow big. The NBC-Universal sitcom characters will also learn that it is perfectly fine for men to get into feminine interests or women into masculine interests & even in between when it comes to meeting Universal's animated characters.

You may even get to see other Oscar themed events at Universal's Destinations & Experiences, such as their Theme Parks or even a brand-new studio store just like Disney or Warner Brothers. These will be perfect vacation spots for families in need that are getting their homes renovated.

Airing & Streaming on various NBC-Universal networks & services, this Oscar season will prove that Kindness will always be Universal if you put your mind to it. You just might also witness a brand new & improved family/children's network for NBC-Universal & their animation brands if we use enough Kindness.

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