Thursday, July 30, 2020

Kindness Books

There are many different ways to spread kindness. Books can create a huge impact with kindness themes. Barnes & Noble and other Book stores (including libraries) can work together with different publishers to create books that would showcase themes to kindness. Kindness books can have a wide range, such as a guide on how everybody is different in their own way or stories about kindness. For example, Dr. Seuss will feature a crossover story that showcases each character learning their appropriate lessons that would suit the needs of kindness.
No matter what age group you are in or genre you like to read, these books will be informative on the power of kindness.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Disney's Wonderful World of Pets

Disney has always been an expert when it comes to pets. To prove that, there can be a brand new series of specials themed to kindness towards pets. These specials will showcase different Disney Stars & other celebrities helping out Pluto, Figaro & their friends at a pet resort, while Mickey & his Friends are on vacation. Different segments that can be featured would consist of stories on other Disney Pets, such as 101 Dalmatians, Lady & the Tramp & The Aristocats, or lessons on kindness must be applied to all pets, regardless of differences.
Airing on almost all of the Disney Television Networks & streaming on Disney Plus, who knew that learning more about pets can be fun.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Recreational Clean Up Specials

Whenever we visit our favorite recreational areas, we always have to clean them up. Since we are still living in tough times, there can be a new series of specials about taking care of Beaches, Parks & other recreational areas. Each of these specials will feature different celebrities working with communities of all types to help clean up various recreational areas, whether it be local or popular destinations. There can also be a history lesson on recreational areas like National Parks or the Great Lakes, as well as how recreational areas are essential for people, plants & animals of all kinds. 
Airing on all of the streaming services & their television counterparts, who knew that cleaning all of the beaches, parks & other recreational areas can be fun.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Sesame Street Holidays Around the World

Sesame Street is always good at showcasing the true meaning of kindness to viewers at a young age. To continue this flow, Sesame Street can create a new series of specials that show young children how the Holidays are celebrated around the world. The specials will feature different Sesame Street Muppets learning from their international cousins how each country has its own Holiday Tradition. The Sesame Street Gang would learn that even though each celebration is different, kindness is the core meaning behind each celebration as well.
There can also be a series of segments in which the Sesame Street Muppets & Cast help out different communities for the Holidays, joined by Celebrities or International Sesame Street Muppets.
Airing on HBO & PBS, young children can enjoy how kindness can help others & bring in the spirit of the season.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Muppet Christmas Spectacular

The Muppets have always put on some great Christmas Specials over the years. To continue this tradition, Kermit, Miss Piggy & the rest of the Muppet crew can put on a Christmas Spectacular to showcase the true meaning behind the Holidays. This new show would feature The Muppets performing Holiday Skits & Tunes with different celebrities & flashbacks to when The Muppets were the Muppet Babies.
To further show how Christmas is meant to show kindness, The Muppets will also show animated shorts featuring Marvel & Star Wars Characters.

Marvel's Holiday Shorts will feature Spider Man & other Marvel Superheroes teaming up to stop villains from ruining or making unnecessary changes to the Holidays.

Shorts from Star Wars can showcase that the Holidays are meant for Friends & Families to come together, regardless of differences.

Airing on all of the major Disney TV Networks, as well as streaming on Disney Plus, The Muppets will always bring the warmth to the Holidays.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Warner Brothers Holiday Specials

Warner Brothers has made some of the best Christmas Specials & Films throughout the decades. Whether you watch a Holiday film, such as A Christmas Story, Christmas Vacation, Elf & The Polar Express, or a Christmas Special, such as The Flintstones Christmas, you will feel the Spirit of the Season. Maybe Warner Brothers can create a series of brand new Holiday Specials that will show how Christmas is the time to showcase kindness.

In A Warner Brothers Cartoon Family Christmas, characters from Looney Tunes, MGM-Turner Cartoons (such as Tom & Jerry and Droopy Dog) & Hanna Barbera go on a trip to the North Pole & discover that Christmas isn't about Toys & Presents, but about putting aside differences & being with Friends & Family. The Toons also learn to move on from the past to create a good future.
Also featuring Cartoon Network, Tiny Toons & Animaniacs characters.

For DC Superhero fans, Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman & other DC Heroes team up to save Santa Claus & the North Pole from a blizzard, started by the Villains, that would not only cancel Christmas forever, but also divide communities. The superheroes also learn more about teamwork throughout the special.

Streaming on HBO Max & airing on all of the Warner TV networks, Holiday Time will be fun by the courtesy of Warner Brothers.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Peanuts Holiday Celebrations

The Holidays will never be complete without Charlie Brown, Snoopy & the Peanuts Gang. As part of Christmas in July, there can be a brand new Peanuts Holiday Special that would feature other Holidays. The special will focus on the Peanuts Gang trying to welcome a group of new neighbors to their neighborhood & feeling confused about the new kids' Holiday traditions. Snoopy, his siblings, Woodstock & his Bird Friends decide to help Charlie Brown & his Friends by showing them that the Holidays aren't just Thanksgiving & Christmas. In other words, Holidays such as Hanukkah & Kwanzaa are just as important as well. All Winter Holidays are for Friends & Family to get together to show Kindness for the New Year. This special, as does my previous Peanuts ideas, will air on PBS & also streamed on Apple TV & Prime Video. With this special, you will know more about the Holidays than what meets the eye.

Friday, July 17, 2020

A Disney Family Christmas

Disney has always given us some heart warming Christmas Specials over the years. To kick off the Christmas in July Season, Disney can create an animated special featuring Mickey Mouse & all of his Friends for a good old family Christmas. This special would feature Mickey & the Gang spending the Holidays at a Holiday Lodge in the Mountains. The special will consist of different segments with Classic Holiday Songs & Kindness lessons. These lessons can consist of how everybody can celebrate the Holidays differently & that Holiday time is about spending time with friends & family, among others. Other features will consist of Stories on how different Disney & PIXAR Characters celebrate Holidays, Greetings from Disney Television & Film Stars & Home Movies from the Disney Parks & other Disney Events. Be sure to look out for Hidden Easter Eggs on Disney's Holiday History. 

Airing on all of the Disney Networks & Streaming on Disney Plus, Disney will always bring the true spirit of the season.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Bedtime Story Apps

A bedtime story is one of most important routines for a child before they go to sleep. To help children go to bed, there can be a series of Apps by the major computer companies. These Apps would feature stories from different franchises that will be told by each franchises' characters. The plots of these stories would feature different lessons of kindness, such as helping the environment, accepting differences & much more. The Apps would also be for children from any age group. These Apps will definitely bring a good night sleep to children everywhere.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Viacom-CBS Kindness Specials

Viacom-CBS may be the Underdog of the Media Networks, but there is always room for kindness for everybody. As a way to showcase this, there can be a series of kindness specials that can air on the Viacom-CBS Networks & streamed on CBS All Access. Here can be a few of these specials:

One special would feature clips from different Paramount & Sony Films throughout the decades to prove that nothing has to be perfect to be good. In other words, kindness is respecting other people's opinions. 

For children, characters from Nickelodeon, Alvin & the Chipmunks, Garfield, The Smurfs & Teenage Mutant Turtles team up with Nickelodeon stars on how kindness must be applied to everybody, even to those who aren't kind. 

Music Stars create Music Videos on how any type of music from different decades can create a kindness message on MTV.

With these powerful kindness messages, the bottom of the bunch can really make their way up to the top.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Food & Drink History Special

Whenever we have our favorite Food or Drinks, we can always look back at the History behind them. Maybe PBS & Discovery can team up to create a series of specials that would teach us the history behind some of our favorite Food & Drinks.
These specials will be hosted by different Celebrity Cooks, Chefs & Bakers from PBS & Discovery. The specials would discuss the biography of the inventor of that Food or Drink, Showcase Vintage Commercials, Special Events, Anniversaries & much more. Restaurant history will be featured as well. Each special can also promote different charities that encourage viewers to donate Food to the Hungry Families from not only less fortunate communities, but International Countries as well. If you are hungry or thirsty about Food & Drink History, this will be an awesome special to talk about it.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Kindness in Artwork

There are many different types of ways how we can express kindness. Artwork is one of those examples. Maybe different artists can work together to showcase how we can use different forms of kindness. Each artwork would teach different lessons that may look small, but are very powerful. For instance, paintings that show human & animals of all types getting along symbolizes that everybody has to come together & help the planet, regardless of differences. Sometimes, artwork can feature Pop-Culture characters from different franchises. Here are some examples below:
A movie poster featuring the Peanuts Gang.

A Calendar Puzzle from Japan showcasing Mickey Mouse & Friends.

A Dr. Seuss Facebook Cover Photo.

These forms of art can show that even though we have our differences, we all have to come together as a community. Art isn't just limited to someone's creativity, art can have positive messages as well.

Monday, July 6, 2020

NBC-Universal Kindness Specials

We may be still under tough times, but we all have to stay strong. Kindness is the key to staying strong. NBC-Universal has always entertained & informed us through times like these. With that, NBC-Universal can create a series of specials to discuss that we all have to use kindness to stay strong. These specials will air on various NBC-Universal Networks, such as NBC & MSNBC, and streamed on Peacock. 
The premise for these specials would focus on NBC News anchors & employees having at home conversations with their families about how kindness gives us strength. Celebrities will also make appearances at their houses, either sharing stories or performing songs about kindness. 

For children & movie fans, stories featuring Universal Studios' Film & Animation Characters can be showcased as well. 

For older NBC-Universal fans, Classic Cartoon characters from the franchises listed below will appear in a series of shorts that features themes to kindness.

All specials will be showcased at Universal Studios' Theme Park when the time is right.
If you want to be entertained & informed about kindness, NBC-Universal will always get it right.

Friday, July 3, 2020

4th of July Kindness

The 4th of July is one of the most special celebrations in US History. However, we also have to understand that there is more to Independence Day than what meets the eye. In other words, 4th of July isn't just about America's Independence, it is also the time that everybody has to show kindness to each other. Here are some ways that we can use kindness for this Independence Day:

Everybody is different in their own special ways. Accepting differences gives us an open mind. No two people are alike.

Take good care of our Planet. Plants, Animals, Recreational Areas & Foreign Countries may need our help. Without Earth, how would we survive?

Donate Food & Clothes to the needy. Work together to help out the less fortunate. Think about others, such as the sick, as well.

Help out your communities. Thank your community heroes, while understanding what being a hero truly means. Heroes come in all shapes & sizes.

Respect the History, Appreciate the Present & Look Forward to the Future. Look deep into the History & understand that not everything is perfect. Learn from the Past to create a Good Future.

Creativity helps stimulate the mind. A Child's Imagination is essential to Growing Up. Dreams come true if you keep believing.

If you use colors for optimism & positive feelings, you will create a rainbow in your heart & soul.

With these lessons, the Major Streaming Services & their television counterparts can team up to create a series of yearly specials that showcase that 4th of July is a perfect time to use kindness. Each special would feature Celebrities & Pop Culture characters working together to show how kindness can be used during Independence Day. Commercials featuring competing brands expressing kindness could also be featured. Books based on these lessons will be published as well. Kindness is always the top priority for Independence Day, from Sea to Shining Sea.