Sunday, September 29, 2019

TCM Film History Special

Turner Classic Movies is the channel that showcases Film & Animation History.  That is why Turner Classic Movies can create a special dedicated to Classic Film & Animation History. This special would feature different Film Studios teaming up to create a film that is themed to the History of Classic Film & Animation and profiling different legends. Studio & Genre History will also be featured in separate specials. This can be a great way for Turner Classic Movies to teach their fans about Classic film & animation history.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

PBS Kids History Specials

It is always important to know about different people who created a positive impact in history. That is why PBS Kids could create a series of specials themed to different people who helped changed history in a positive light. Each special could showcase on that person's history, the struggles they went through, their accomplishments & different ways that the audience could create a positive example similar to the person profiled. The specials could also be hosted by different celebrities. This could be a great way to teach history & provide good role models to children of all ages.

Monday, September 16, 2019

NCAA School & Community Events

School has just started & helping out communities is very important in schools. That is why the NCAA could feature their teams helping out with less fortunate schools & communities. These events could consist of different college athletes, cheer/dance squads & mascots coming together to help out schools & communities that are facing hardships. School & Community events could include donating school supplies or helping families that are struggling. These events could show that it is important for rival schools to come together to help out communities & other schools.
Television specials based on these could air on the major sports television networks.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Great Halloween Light Fight

The Great Christmas Light Fight is a new Christmas Classic. With Halloween almost coming, I think that it is time for HGTV to make a Halloween edition. The Great Halloween Light Fight could feature different families creating the best Halloween Yard display, while being judged by celebrity designers & carpenters. Houses could range from Transylvania themed to Sleepy Hollow themed, among others. Winners could receive free Halloween candy. The Great Xmas Light Fight could also move to HGTV for more creativity. This could be a great way to bring in Halloween fun.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Driving Safety Specials

While we are driving to different places, it is important to know the safety behind it. That is why the major streaming services & their television counterparts could team up to create a series of specials about driving properly & safely. These specials could focus on different people who are having different problems driving. One special could focus on people rushing while driving, while another could show people who aren't paying attention to their surroundings. These specials could be a great ways of showing driving safety.