Thursday, April 1, 2021

Major League Baseball Kindness Events

When we think of Springtime, we always think of the beginning of the Baseball season, To celebrate MLB's opening day games, I was thinking that there can be a series of events that shows how Kindness is very essential to Baseball games. These events will help bring fans & players together. Here can be some of these events:
First, the Major League teams can team up with their Minor League counterparts for Kindness messages like taking care of the environment, donating to the less fortunate, respecting historical legends like Jackie Robinson & helping Women create A League of Their Own.

Whether the teams live in the Atlantic areas,

the Metropolitan areas,

the Central areas,

the Mountain Plains areas,

or the Pacific areas, everyone deserves Kindness as one big team.

If the different teams manage to work together as one big team, the MLB can start expanding teams in more locations. Maybe the Montreal Expos could return.

Major League Baseball could also try to bring Kindness to younger Baseball fans & the Little League. For Instance, Major League Baseball players appear with the Sesame Street Muppets & their International cousins on how everybody can play Baseball, regardless of Age, Gender, Background or other differences. Another example can feature the Peanuts Gang learning Good Sportmanship & the importance of Playing Hard for Little League players & fans.

College Baseball & Softball teams & fans can get into the act by working with both Major & Minor League teams by using these Kindness messages to help schools in need. With these events, Kindness can really give Baseball fans & players a Home-Run for everyone.

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