Sunday, March 21, 2021

March Madness Kindness Events

March Madness is finally here & to celebrate, there can be a series of Kindness events in which the College Basketball teams work with the NBA to bring Kindness to Basketball fans everywhere.
These Kindness events will benefit various charities like helping needy communities & countries, protecting the enviornment, accepting people's differences, etc.
For colleges without a proper NBA Team, the NBA G-League can participate as well. In other words, even athletes who are starting at the bottom can bring Kindness too.

Whether the Teams are in the Atlantic,

the Southeast,

the Central Mid-West,

the Mountain Plains,

or Pacific, all areas need a chance of Kindness.

If March Madness completes their Kindness events properly, the NBA may be lucky enough to expand their league & who knows, the Seattle SuperSonics may have a chance to make a comeback.

With March also being Women's History Month, the Women's College Basketball Teams can Team-Up with the WNBA to participate with the Men in these events.

Children get to watch their favorite Warner Characters join in the fun too in a series of pregame shorts. Younger Children learn from Warner's Classic Cartoon Characters about teams putting aside their differences for a common cause. Older Children watch their favorite DC Superheroes save March Madness when Villains try to divide fans.

These Kindness events will bring the true meaning of Kindness during March Madness.

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