Thursday, December 31, 2020

New Years Kindness

With the New Year almost here, the most important New Years Resolution is that we always need room for Kindness. Maybe the Major Media Networks can team up to create a series of future specials that showcase how everybody needs to bring Kindness to one another for every year. The premise for these specials will feature Celebrities & Pop Culture characters working together to give back & help out their fans & communities in need. Here are some of these lessons that the specials would feature:

Always understand that everybody is unique in their own ways & accepting differences help bring people together.

Give back to Heroes, First Responders & Veterans that have sacrificed themselves to help our country.

Always help out Plants, Animals (Domesticated & Wild), Recreational Areas, Foreign Countries & other Environmental aspects to have a clean planet.

Children everywhere deserve a good education, yet understand that Kindness is the key to Knowledge.

Donate Food, Clothing & other Necessities to people who are struggling, whether it be local communities or foreign countries.

Give Senior Citizens & Children the Kindness they need, no matter what Age Group they are in.

Books always help stimulate the mind. Read Books that help encourage Kindness & bring Joy and Happiness.

Creativity helps bring in Imagination. Use your creativity in a way that helps benefit everyone.

Use your skills in both the Sports & Entertainment industry for a role model that reinforces Kindness.

Use your favorite colors in a Positive light & combine them to make a Rainbow. Color helps brighten up the World.

These specials will be a fun yet educational way to showcase Kindness for the New Year, including Upcoming Years & Decades.

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